Keep up to date on all things SCIAF and find out about work that we are doing right now across the world.
SCIAF gives evidence on climate change at Holyrood
28 May 2019
Policy Officer Ben Wilson told MSPs how climate change is affecting some of the world's poorest people.
Hundreds join the race to help others at 6k Family Fun Run
7 May 2019
Money raised through your hard work will help people in need all over the world.
Climate change campaign success is thanks to you
3 May 2019
The Scottish Government has committed to radical new cuts to Scotland's greenhouse gases.
An audience with Pope Francis
15 April 2019
Sadie Scullion from our international team was granted an audience with Pope Francis as she attended a conference about human trafficking.
Advocating for change at the Scottish Parliament
1 April 2019
Fr. Leonard Chiti reflects on his recent visit to the Scottish Parliament, advocating for the bold new Climate Bill.
Visiting communities in the Pearl of Africa
27 March 2019
SCIAF Content Editor Sarah Swaroop reflects on her trip to Uganda, where she met many families who are striving for change.
Water brings new life in Ethiopia
12 March 2019
In Ethiopia, a decline in rainfall and rise in temperature over the last 25 years has led to major droughts, a lack of food and increased poverty.
Broadcasting a message of change
8 March 2019
On International Women’s Day, SCIAF Programme Officer Louise Joyce writes about a very special radio station that’s bring a message of female empowerment to the airwaves.
Gary MacLean makes SCIAF's WEE BOX Lent launch a flipping success
5 March 2019
Scotland's National Chef held a pancake masterclass for school pupils to help launch SCIAF's WEE BOX, Big Change Lent appeal.
Perfect pancakes with MasterChef Gary MacLean
5 March 2019
This Shrove Tuesday, we’ve teamed up with MasterChef Gary MacLean to bring you the recipe for the perfect pancake.
SCIAF given £110,000 to help Venezuelan refugees in Colombia
2 March 2019
The money will be used to provide food parcels, warm clothes and basic hygiene items like soap and sanitary products.
Why we need a UN binding treaty
26 February 2019
SCIAF Policy Officer Sarah Freeman looks at the damaging effects of business and mining and why we need a UN Binding Treaty.