Keep up to date on all things SCIAF and find out about work that we are doing right now across the world.
The fight for climate justice
10 October 2019
We are campaigning for Scotland and the UK to do more to tackle climate change in the name of the poorest and most vulnerable, who have done the least to cause this crisis.
River Guardians discuss challenges in Chocó
7 October 2019
We welcome two River Guardians from the Atrato River in Chocó, Colombia, to Scotland. They are tasked as being the 'voice' of the river.
Schools put the 'fun' in fundraising
4 October 2019
Pupils and teachers have come up with wonderful ideas to raise money for SCIAF.
2020: looking forward to COP
1 October 2019
We need to work together to ensure effective participation in next year’s historic Climate Conference.
SCIAF welcomes new climate change law
26 September 2019
SCIAF sees the new Climate Change Bill as a hugely significant step towards tackling the Climate Emergency.
Marching in solidarity
18 September 2019
SCIAF staff and supporters are joining climate strikers on Friday 20th September in order to highlight the need for urgent governmental action.
We're on the move!
19 August 2019
We're excited to let you know we've moved office.
Eleam's story
15 August 2019
At 40 years old, Eleam Diida became a widow with six children to care for and no job to bring in an income. With your help and support from the UK government's Aid Match programme she's now opened the doors of her own shop.
Transforming communities in Cambodia
31 July 2019
We're working to transform the lives of 19,000 villagers in rural Cambodia.
Campaigners make their voices heard at mass lobby on climate change
4 July 2019
We were among 12,000 people taking part in an event to directly lobby MPs and urge them to recognise the need for urgent action on climate change.
Appeal to help Cyclone Idai survivors raises more than £235,000
31 May 2019
More than a thousand people lost their lives across Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe when the cyclone struck in March.
Catching up with the Lang family
29 May 2019
During our 2018 WEE BOX appeal we told you the story of the Lang family, from Cambodia.