We’re uniting for a just world
In all we do, we are compelled by the love of Christ. We are guided by our Christian faith and inspired by love and compassion to stand in solidarity with the people we serve, our wounded earth, and the Catholic community in Scotland. We know that the poorest suffer the most: we will not forsake them.
We are compelled by love
Compelled by Christ’s love, we help people in the world’s poorest places to lift themselves out of poverty, work together to protect our common home, and help people recover from disaster. For five decades we've reached out to our global neighbours in need, irrespective of their race, religion or background, sustained by the generosity and love of Catholics in Scotland.
We work in partnership with local civil and church organisations, supporting communities across the world to bring about lasting change. We put pressure on governments to care for the planet and create a fairer, more peaceful world.

World hunger is on the rise for the first time in decades. SCIAF works in many of the world’s poorest countries to tackle both the causes and consequences of hunger.

Dirty water devastates lives. Clean water changes them. In the most challenging parts of the world, SCIAF is helping people access the most important commodity on earth: water.

The majority of the world’s poorest people are women. Our vision is of a world where women are safe and respected and where women and men share equally in shaping their societies.

When emergencies strike it’s the poorest who suffer the most. SCIAF is already there when emergencies strike, and will be there long after others have left.

We want a fairer world in which everyone is equal and free from poverty – and one of the ways we do this is through our advocacy work.

SCIAF works in a range of countries across the world to create change that lasts a lifetime.