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Responding in Prayer

Prayer is crucial and at the core of our worship. It is our primary way of communicating with God.

There are many different ways of praying, all of which add to the rich and beautiful traditions of our faith. Spending time in prayer is another way to put your faith into action and show solidarity with our sisters and brothers living in poverty.

“In the face of so many wounds that hurt us and could lead to a hardness of heart, we are called to dive into the sea of prayer, which is the sea of the boundless love of God, in order to experience his tenderness.”

- Pope Francis 

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Why Pray?

Prayer is a vital part of our worship. It is our primary way of communicating with God. While prayer should be reverent, it doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult, nor does it have to happen in a certain place or in a certain way. There are many ways to communicate with God in prayer, sometimes in an active way and sometimes in a more contemplative way.

“When you call me, and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me.”

– Jeremiah 29:12-14