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WEE BOXES wanted

6 April 2023

Catherine with WEE BOX Zambia 2022

SCIAF supporters up and down the country are being urged to return their WEE BOXES, as this year’s Lenten appeal draws to a close. 

Each year generous Scots like you give up a favourite treat such as coffee, chocolate, wine or crisps, and put the money they save into a WEE BOX. The money donated provides a hand-up to vulnerable communities worldwide, struggling to survive due to hunger, poverty and the climate emergency. 

SCIAF's Head of Fundraising Steve McManus said:

Each day we can all see the devastating effects of climate change and the global economic recession which is why we need your support more now than ever before. Each day families around the world face an uncertain future but, by returning your WEE BOX and supporting this year’s appeal, you can give them lift themselves out of poverty.” 

This year, our WEE BOX appeal focussed on the people of Zambia, in southern Africa, particularly around Kabwe, which is one of the most polluted towns in the world. To survive, most families in Kabwe grow their own food in small plots near their homes – it’s a perilous life, very much dictated by the weather.  

Steve added:

The thousands of WEE BOXES returned each year to SCIAF really do make a big difference to those we work with around the world. The generosity of the Scottish people, especially when things are so constrained at home, is incredible and I want to thank everyone who has supported this year’s appeal, you’re making a life changing difference to families across the globe." 

How to make your WEE BOX donation?

If you've collected money in your WEE BOX, count the money you’ve saved and donate that amount by using any of the following steps: 

  • Make your donation online at 
  • Send us a cheque made out to SCIAF to FREEPOST SCIAF 
  • Call us on 0141 354 5555 and donate using a credit or debit card. 
  • If you prefer, you can also give donations via bank transfer. If you would like to, please give us a call.