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Thank you for reaching out in love this Lent

22 March 2023

WEE BOX - Zambia 2022 Content trip

Every year, we’re blown away by support of the WEE BOX, and this year’s no exception!

The money raised makes a huge difference to the world's poorest places, for individuals, families, and communities. Each prayer said shows our partners and people we work with that we're standing in solidarity with them - no matter what challenges they face.

So, we want to say a massive thank you to people across Scotland who have reached out in love to help our sisters and brothers who need it most.

Have a look at some of the wonderful WEE BOX stories that we have collected throughout this Lenten period so far.

Litter picking against poverty

Leo from St Francis Primary School in Falkirk used his precious spare time to clean up his local area by litter picking while raising money for SCIAF. What an environmentally friendly way to make a difference to this world near and far!

Leo St Francis

Soda bread at Scottish Parliament in the name of SCIAF

Paul O’Kane MSP wished his fellow members of parliament a very happy St Patrick’s Day by dishing out his dad’s homemade soda and wheaten bread while asking for donations to his WEE BOX. This is what we love to see!

Paul OKane soda bread

SCIAF Stations of the Cross by S6

S6 Caritas pupils at Our Lady’s High School in Cumbernauld have been leading SCIAF Stations of the Cross throughout Lent in their Oratory. Thank you, S6. The people we work with across the globe truly appreciate every prayer said.

OLHS Cumbernauld 1

SCIAF stall to help the people of Zambia

This P2 superstar set up her own stall giving away decorations and seeds to help the people of Zambia after listening intently to her class’s latest SCIAF school talk. What a wonderful way of putting faith into action!

Seeds and decorations to help people of Zambia

SCIAF Netball challenge

Pupils at Holy Cross High School in Hamilton used sport as a tool to make a difference in the world! The girls challenged the boys to a game to raise money SCIAF.

Holy Cross PE

These stories are just a handful of the hundreds of acts of love that we’ve seen throughout Lent.

So, thank you to anyone who has filled up their WEE BOX, given to SCIAF, prayed, volunteered time, or shared our posts online.

It’s because of the support given by our community that those in need can lift themselves out of poverty. Keep up the fantastic work!