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Volunteer brings Grace to SCIAF

31 May 2023

Grace volunteer

Grace couldn’t see herself putting her feet up after she retired and here at SCIAF we are just delighted about that!

SCIAF is a charity close to her heart and for the last 18 years she’s been a familiar face at our office in the centre of Glasgow.

This is Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) and Grace Buckley is a shining example of how volunteering can be beneficial for both the organisation and the individual too.

Grace said:

“I get so much from volunteering at SCIAF. I usually do two afternoons a week; whenever I am needed really. I work with a great bunch of people, it’s a really nice atmosphere and you know what you are doing has value too.

“SCIAF is such a great organisation. What’s different about it is that they work with local partners in the countries they operate in and truly listen to their project participants' needs and ambitions. It’s not about giving communities in Africa what WE think they need, it’s about working with them and giving them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. We often say 'a hand up, not a hand out.'”

Grace was a senior manager during her career, working in legal and contract roles, but believes there are volunteering opportunities for everyone.

She said:

“I think at the time – around 2005 – I was welcomed with open arms because I could work a computer, but the work I do is really varied. Yes, I might be working on databases one day, but I’m equally happy stuffing envelopes and sorting the mail, because you know it all makes a difference and helps SCIAF reach its goals.

“It’s also great because it’s flexible, hours that suit with no worries – and of course brings a sense of accomplishment too.”

Grace’s association with SCIAF even saw her travel to Kenya and Tanzania in 2006 to visit projects and see the work for herself.

She said:

“A group of us travelled as part of our training to become ambassadors. It was amazing to see the work for myself; the work of our partners and finding out what they needed, not what we thought they needed.”

As part of her volunteering role, Grace also gives Parish talks in churches during our Lenten WEE BOX appeal each year.

Grace continued:

“The Lenten talk is a chance to say a personal thank you on behalf of SCIAF and its partners to parishioners for their support over the years, whether financial or spiritual. We can never say thank you too often, as our work would not happen without our supporters.” 

“Going out personally to parishes gives people, I hope, the reassurance that their giving matters and is well used. It also gives an opportunity for people to ask questions about our work or the specific campaign, if they want, although I usually find it is more often taken as an opportunity to slip the SCIAF representative some money just in case I forget to return my WEE BOX!”