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Thank you to our volunteers

29 May 2020

Student ambassadors - Volunteers week 2020 - banner image

This week, we celebrate Volunteers' Week! The SCIAF team want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has ever volunteered for us and to all volunteers across the world who give up their time to make the world a better place.

Our school and parish volunteers inspire us to give back to our community and to take action for a worthy cause. Our dedicated schools volunteers haven't been able to visit as many schools as they usually would, so we wanted to bring them to you here. Here are just a few of our fantastic volunteers talking about why they're involved in spreading SCIAF's message. 

Mary Larkin at OJM - SCIAF Volunteer - Volunteers Week 2020
I like visiting schools and seeing the excellent work that goes on in general across a school and the inspirational work done by young people, children and teachers in support of SCIAF' s annual Wee Box fund raising appeal.

Mary Larkin SCIAF Volunteer

Bernadette Canavan - SCIAF Volunteer - Volunteers Week 2020
I enjoy volunteering for SCIAF as it is a charity that is close to my heart and spent many years promoting the message and work of SCIAF throughout my career in education.

Bernadette Canavan SCIAF Volunteer

Vincent Raeburn - SCIAF volunteer at St Andrews Primary Airdrie - Volunteers Week 2020
I value being part of the SCIAF family and being able to connect with, and help others suffering from poverty, injustice and often living in fear. I enjoy meeting and working with school students and staff, seeing how their tremendous goodwill makes a real positive difference.

Vincent Raeburn SCIAF Volunteer

Bernadette continues:

"It still delights me to visit schools to promote SCIAF Campaigns and I continue to be overwhelmed by the enthusiastic and positive response of the pupils, staff and parents in our school communities. Our Scottish schools are fantastic in their contributions to fundraising and give so much generous support to the work of SCIAF despite the fact that in our own society today so many families face hardship and difficulties in their own everyday life."

We are extremely grateful for our schools and parish volunteers. Together, they spread the word of the work we do by giving a voice to SCIAF in their community. We can transform lives of our brothers and sisters living in poverty thanks to the time and effort of our dedicated volunteers across Scotland.

Thank you!