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Dominic dives in for SCIAF

23 May 2023

Dominic fundraiser

He may only be nine, but Dominic Murphy from Motherwell has already proved he’s a super swimmer for SCIAF.

This is the third year in a row that Dominic has raised money for his favourite charity during Lent and he set his sights high – to swim the length of Strathclyde Park in his local swimming pool. The distance of 3.8 miles added up to 240 lengths of Wishaw Pool.

Dominic, a pupil of Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary, said:

“I think what SCIAF does for poor people around the world is great, so each year I try to think of something different to help raise money. One year I picked six different things to do over the six weeks and I climbed Tinto Hill and did some litter picking.”

This year was Dominic’s third fundraiser – raising £342 for the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund.

Dominic added:

“A lot of that was thanks to my Nana and Gran! I had a wee problem half way through when I felt not well and also injured my hand, so this set me back a bit. It meant I had to do 44 lengths on the Saturday and 44 lengths on the Sunday, in my final weekend.

“I was knackered but it was all worth it. I’ve seen lots of videos with my dad of children in other parts of the world, so know how lucky we are here in Scotland.”

Proud dad Paul is a personal fitness instructor and was with Dominic every stroke of the way.

He said:

“Dominic was so committed throughout his challenge. He smashed his target of £200. Even when we were on holiday in Whitley Bay, he got up extra early in the morning to do his swim while the pool was quiet.

“He’s always loved swimming and learned as a baby, but this is the most he has ever done. He’s made us all proud.”

So, what’s next year Dominic?

He said:

“I’m not sure, maybe something with my bike or to do with football as I love that too. Maybe cycle to the game and back? I have lots of time to decide!”