How your donations are helping in Kerala
7 September 2018

Recent flash floods and landslides in Kerala, left 400 people dead and more than one million homeless. Those now returning to their flooded homes are encountering snakes, contaminated water, and ruined crops.
SCIAF has sent £30000 to our partner, Caritas India, to provide rice, oil, beans and basic household items like soap, toothpaste and water purification kits to hundreds of thousands of people who remain homeless.
Bindu Ajeesh, 41, told Caritas India that the flood waters swept through her house in Theklaummoodu village destroying almost everything. She has lost food, clothes, pots and pans, furniture and even her two son’s school booksBindu and her family has taken refuge at a friend’s house, along with six other families.
"We are totally isolated, without roads, electricity and food. Children are also not able to go to school. We cannot live even for one day by ourselves. It is very difficult for bedridden people and infants to access hospital facilities like medicines as there is no road. The situation becomes worst during the night as there is no electricity and we are living under constant fear."
The world’s attention has moved on from the flooding of Kerala. Yet the lives of hundreds of thousands of people like Bindu have been devastated. They can and will rebuild but they can’t do it alone. SCIAF is continuing to work with Caritas India to help those affected by this terrible disaster and make sure they can rebuild their homes and liviehoods long after the cameras have gone.
Please donate to our Emergency Response Fund to help people affected by the devastating floods in India and other emergencies around the world.