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We mourn the loss of Archbishop Conti

9 November 2022

Archbishop Conti

With profound sadness and gratitude, SCIAF mourns the death of Archbishop Mario Conti. Archbishop Conti made an enormous contribution to SCIAF throughout his decades as Bishop of Aberdeen and subsequently Glasgow, and particularly during his time as SCIAF’s Bishop President from 1978-1985.

Archbishop Conti was profoundly committed to social justice and was a great champion and supporter of SCIAF.  He helped shape and drive our work in so many ways:

  • approved the development of a small staff which led to the continued professionalism of SCIAF today
  • greatly improved our relationships with schools and parishes by setting education and prayer materials in their liturgical context.
  • encouraged SCIAF to focus on funding long-term projects, to make positive changes for generations to come.
  • displayed his passion for educating supporters at home about development work, so we made this a priority.
  • involved lobbying MPs at Westminster to protest aid cuts.
  • played a key part in the decision to move SCIAF Sunday from September to the 4th Sunday in Lent.

SCIAF's Chief Executive, Alistair Dutton, said: “Archbishop Mario was a colossal character in the church in Scotland and a great friend to SCIAF.

“He supported us as a priest and as a bishop before going on to be our Bishop President and even in retirement was a great ambassador for our work.

“He was a major figure in Scottish public life, who had a fierce intellect and was a great raconteur - he was warm and engaging when meeting supporters at SCIAF events, and represented the Church, SCIAF and our issues of concern with statesmanlike dignity, diplomacy and gravitas.

“As the eyes of the world concentrate on the UN global climate negotiations at COP27, we remember with gratitude Archbishop Mario’s commitment to climate justice, and his active engagement with both Westminster and Holyrood on this and many other important issues.

“Archbishop Mario leapt at every opportunity to support the work of SCIAF and we have lost a great friend. He will be sorely missed.”

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May he rest in peace. We pray for the repose of his soul, and the consolation of his family and friends as they celebrate his life and mourn his passing to a better place. Amen.