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Archbishop François Xavier Maroy & Thérèse Mema Mapenzi

13 March 2020

Bullet cross - Archbishop Maroy - Lent 2020 - WEE BOX - DRC

Archbishop François Xavier Maroy of Bukavu and Thérèse Mema Mapenzi are heroes. They are SCIAF’s partners in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the most dangerous places on earth.

They work with us to provide medical and psychological support to victims of sexual violence.

They are visiting Scotland to let SCIAF supporters know about the difference money from Scotland is making and  to tell the story of their beautiful though troubled country.

Archbishop François Xavier Maroy

Archbishop François Xavier Maroy - Lent 2020 - WEE BOX 4 - DRCArchbishop François Xavier Maroy has faced multiple assassination attempts.

Many priests in the Archdiocese have been killed. Many nuns, many catechists and many other people as well. There has been much loss.”

Despite this violence he preaches forgiveness.

Archbishop François Xavier Maroy - Lent 2020 - WEE BOX 2 - DRC
The main order of God is to love each other. Always you should pray for your enemies, there is no need to hate them.

Archbishop François Xavier Maroy

His Archdiocese runs schools, hospitals and other services for poor and vulnerable people. He works closely with SCIAF to provide medical care and psychological support for victims of sexual violence.

What SCIAF is doing makes me very happy. Working with women who have been rejected by society is very important, it helps those who have suffered most.

Archbishop Maroy is a hero. Help him serve his people.

Thérèse Mema Mapenzi

Thérèse Mema Mapenzi

Thérèse Mema Mapenzi helps women who have suffered sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo to be heard.

She is the Director of Centre Olame Bukavu, a Catholic Women’s Organisation, supported by SCIAF that provides psychological support to women who have endured unimaginable crimes.

She is an expert in providing psychosocial care to traumatised people. Sexual violence is at epidemic levels in the Eastern DRC and she has helped thousands of women.

Thérèse - Ricky - Lorraine - Lent 2020 - WEE BOX
If we can put an end to sexual violence, if we can start to heal the wounds of the past, and if we can combine justice with peace, then ours can be a future built on hope, not one forever shrouded in fear.

Thérèse Mema Mapenzi

She works closely with the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege in the fight against sexual violence in the DRC and has received the Coventry Prize for Peace and Reconciliation in recognition of her incredible work.

Thérèse Mema Mapenzi is a hero.