Uniting to end poverty
29 March 2020

In these difficult times our primary concerns are to keep everyone safe and to make sure the most vulnerable get the help they need.
Here's a message from our Chief Executive, Alistair Dutton, to keep you updated on how SCIAF are responding to the coronavirus.
I hope you’re safe and well, and are adjusting to the enormous changes we’ve all had to make in our daily lives to protect our families, friends and neighbours.
In these difficult times it’s easy to feel helpless or alone. But let’s remember, the whole world is facing this crisis together, as one human family. And we’ll get through this together.
At SCIAF, we closed our office shortly before we were all asked to stay at home. We’re all working from home now, in close contact with our partners overseas, and our work continues. Thanks to your support, we're still helping people who are already living on a knife edge and need us more than ever.
Right now, we’re listening to our partners around the world, to understand how we can best support them through this crisis. We’ll continue to work hand in hand with them, and the communities we serve, to overcome the challenges they face, now and in the future.
As a charity, we rely on your donations to SCIAF’s WEE BOX BIG CHANGE appeal to fund our work. We’ve been amazed by the generosity Scots continue to show even now, and we urge you to continue to do whatever you can to help us.
Your donations to our WEE BOX appeal are still being doubled, so please give what you can - if you can.
In this time of separation, please remember SCIAF, our partners and, most importantly of all, the people we serve in the poorest parts of the world in your prayers, as we remember you.
Thank you for uniting with us to end poverty.
Please look after yourselves and keep looking for ways, large and small, to help each other.
Warm regards,
Alistair Dutton
The COP26 UN climate change conference set to take place in Glasgow in November has been postponed due to COVID-19.
Ricky and Lorraine travelled to the DR Congo in January this year - they are very concerned about how they will be affected by coronavirus.
As Scotland begins to recover from the devastating global pandemic, we have a chance to transform our world for the better.