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Second chance to double school donations to SCIAF

16 June 2020

WEE BOX - Lent 2021

We are delighted to announce we have another chance to double donations raised for this year’s WEE BOX appeal through fundraising events in primary and secondary schools.

As a result of the lockdown, many schools didn’t have the chance to complete their WEE BOX fundraising events. As part of UK Aid Match, the UK government has agreed schools can have another chance to complete any WEE BOX fundraising activities they had planned, and provided the money is returned to SCIAF by 30 September these new donations will be doubled.

Second chance fundraising events for this year’s WEE BOX appeal will take place from 14 September until 20 September and all donations will need to be returned to SCIAF by 30 September to benefit from UK Aid Match.

We realise that circumstances may mean fundraising is challenging, but if you are able to fundraise then your donations from any crazy hair days, sponsored fast or other fundraisers you had planned could still be doubled to help make twice the difference to the lives of poor people we work with.

Our huge thanks to all the schools who have already supported our WEE BOX appeal so generously. The money raised from this year’s appeal will help vulnerable women and girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo who are suffering from sexual violence as well as extremely poor communities around the world.

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