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Time for an ethical Christmas

3 December 2020

Ethical Christmas 1

As 2020 draws to a close, one thing is clear: we must be kinder to nature and our neighbours near and far.

Unless we rebalance our relationship with God's creation: the Earth, wildlife and the natural world, catastrophes caused by the climate crisis will continue, and pandemics will become more frequent.

The coronavirus has also unleashed a poverty pandemic across what are already some of the world's poorest countries. As the global economy slows, workers who'd climbed the first rungs out of poverty find themselves slipping back down.  Here in Scotland, local businesses have struggled - putting jobs at risk. 

If we work together to reduce our carbon footprint and shop in an ethical manner, our planet could begin to heal, workers could be treated fairly, and local businesses stand a chance at survival. Always remember: small acts of kindness add up.

So, here are some tips to have a green and ethical Christmas this year.

Ethical Christmas

Reduce waste

  • Use fabric as a stylish and sustainable alternative to wrapping paper.
  • Be careful when you’re opening your presents and re-use your wrapping paper and gift bags next year.
  • Avoid food with excess packaging and buy loose produce.
  • On the run up to Christmas, eat the food you’ve got in your freezer to make room for lots of tasty leftovers.

Get Crafty

Get crafty

  • As your deliveries begin to arrive, why not transform boxes and envelopes into Christmas decorations? Check out how to make these beautiful origami stars.
  • Instead of buying gifts this year, why not learn a new skill and make some cards or presents? These scrunchies are adorable and easy to make.


Re-think sparkles

  • We all love a bit of sparkle during the festive season – and this might come as a shock – but please avoid products with glitter and sequins. They’re made from microplastics that can make their way into the sea, rivers, and lakes; threatening the safety of animals and sea creatures.
  • If you can’t live without the glam, buy biodegradable glitter.

Small business

Support small businesses

  • Buy vouchers for your favourite local shops (think hairdressers, beauty salons, restaurants).
  • Find treasures on Etsy to support independent designers.
  • If you have a good experience with a small business, share, share, share your feedback online.

Go veggie

Go veggie this Christmas

  • Try a vegetarian or vegan Christmas with Jamie Oliver.
  • If you eat meat, try to buy organic.

Give back

Give back this year

  • Instead of presents, you might find your friends and family would prefer to make a donation, so remember to ask them which charities they support.
  • We have a range of beautiful ethical presents that help communities living in poverty – check out our Real Gifts store.

Christmas gifts

Don’t dump your trees 

  • If you own a plastic tree, use it for as long as possible. 
  • For real trees, keep it in a pot, a garden, or a friend’s garden for years to come. 
  • Hire your tree – check your local plant nurseries or garden centres.

Why not try out a few of these tips this Advent? Hopefully, they’ve given you a little ethical inspiration.

All of us at SCIAF hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!