SCIAF Education 2024/25 – Primary and Secondary

Year Published 2024
Publisher SCIAF
Language English
Content type Schools
Topics Advocating for Change, Climate, Emergencies, Hunger, Prayer and Reflection, Water
View DownloadsDownload our brand new booklet for the 2024/25 academic year to find out how we can support and collaborate with your school to learn, pray and act for global justice.
SCIAF offers sustainable development education resources through a Catholic lens. We work with educators across Scotland and together we provide transformative learning that puts faith into action.
In this leaflet, you’ll find all our development education resources, covering topics such as climate justice, children’s rights and care for creation. Our resources link to the Curriculum for Excellence, This is our Faith and the Laudato Si’ Schools programme.
Most of our resources are available for you to download and use in the classroom - they include a lesson plan, and teacher notes to guide the learning. We also offer visits to the classroom from our amazing SCIAF speaker volunteers.
Book a school visit
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