Promising practices: Diversifying livelihoods

Year Published 2017
Publisher SCIAF
Language English
Content type Reports
Topics Climate
View DownloadsSCIAF has been helping to improve the lives of Malawians living in poverty since 1985. This has primarily involved supporting communities to grow more crops each year.
However, with 94% of Malawi’s rural population dependent on farming, their access to food can often be disrupted due to flooding and prolonged drought which is being made worse by climate change. In recent years, SCIAF has provided emergency support to families badly affected by floods and drought.
The Mangochi Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Project (MLERP) is one of the ways SCIAF is helping communities tackle their vulnerability to flooding, drought and changing seasons. Through the project 3,000 households in Mangochi District have increased their agricultural production, improved their access to food, and increased their household income.
This report will outline the overall project design and results. It will include best practices, positive developments, challenges, and key learning and recommendations.
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