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Income and Expenditure

In 2022 our generous supporters raised over £4.9 million to change lives across the world, with a further £2 million from our institutional partners. Thank you for your love and compassion.

Total Income: £7.4 million

£3,600,000 in general donations

Gifts from individuals, parishes, legacies and fundraising activities.


£2,000,000 from institutional grants

Grants awarded to SCIAF from institutional funders, such as governments and universities, to fund our work.


£1,300,000 from emergency appeals

Gifts in aid of natural disasters and emergencies.


£383,000 from Gift Aid

Gift Aid is collected on donations and allows money to go further.


£85,000 from other sources

Grants for UK staffing and investment returns.

Total Expenditure: £8.3 million

£4,400,000 for development programmes

Working through local partners, we support families in poor countries to free themselves from hunger, poverty and injustice.


£1,600,000 for emergency response

We respond to emergencies as part of the Caritas family, providing immediate life-saving relief and long term support.


£1,500,000 on fundraising

Investing in fundraising ensures our vital and life-changing work can continue.


£480,000 on education in Scotland

We take seriously our mandate from the Bishops' Conference to educate and communicate about global justice and international development.


£277,000 on advocacy

We work with the Scottish public, parishes, schools and our partners to put pressure on governments to create a fairer and more peaceful work.

As a necessary part of delivering effective programmes, SCIAF administration support costs are directly incorporated into the areas of work outlined above.

Our Institutional Donors

We consider our institutional donors important allies in our work. In 2022, we were thankful for generous support from major institutional donors such as governments and universities, allowing us to increase the scale and scope of our work.

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