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Catherine, Zambia

Africa Hunger Crisis

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Climate shocks have made farming in Zambia, and across Africa, extremely difficult. During the last rainy season in Mongu, in the west of Zambia, it should have rained every day from November until the end of February. Instead, there were only ten days of rain.

In Zambia, this will be the second year in a row with devastating harvests. There’s no food on people’s tables. No meal in sight.

In early 2024, the most vulnerable families in Mongu were supported by a short-term aid project. It was a lifeline, providing cash and food to last until the harvest in May. 
But then the rainy season failed, meaning there was no harvest in May. So now there’s nowhere left to turn. No money, no crops, no hope.

Kashueka's Story

Kashueka, Zambia

Kashueka is a single mother with four children living in Mongu and grows all the crops her family eats. But in 2023, her harvest, like so many of her neighbours’, failed due to drought. And there were no jobs nearby to earn any money.

Kashueka was forced to pick wild fruits and dig for roots just to put a meal on the table. From the project, Kashueka and her family did receive some aid in early 2024 that enabled her children to regain enough energy to go to school. However, this support was short term and stopped after three months. And because the rains didn’t come, farmers like Kashueka knew there would be no harvest in May. The crops she had planted were dead.

For families in Africa facing hunger, this is an emergency. Your gift today could provide support to a family like Kashueka’s. It will help put a meal on the table. And help her grow more food next year and for years to come.

Kashueka, Zambia
I am worried about the future. I don’t know how I will feed my children. I am worried that they will stop going to school again because of hunger.

Kashueka, Zambia

SCIAF's Real Solution to Hunger

Catherine WEE BOX Zambia 2022

Around 400 miles from Kashueka in Zambia’s Central Province, Catherine has a very different experience, thanks to SCIAF support.

In Kabwe district, SCIAF’s expert partners have been delivering complex farming programmes for several years. These focus on skills training in organic agriculture, alongside the provision of pigs and goats for natural manure.

In spite of the hunger crisis spreading across the country, they were coping well and they would have enough food for their families despite the drought.

They had stores of grain which they could turn to; they had access to water thanks to specially dug boreholes; and they had money saved for emergencies. 

It’s proof that your donations make a real and lasting difference in the world. It’s proof that SCIAF has a real solution to global hunger. 

With your generosity, the people who are most hungry can be supported with food aid and access to water, as well as cash to buy the basics that they need to survive. And, crucially, your support can also help prevent Kashueka – and families like hers across Africa – from enduring hunger again.

Donate to the Africa Hunger Crisis

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