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Indigenous communities find power in ancestral knowledge
8 March 2025
This International Women's Day, we highlight the work and ideas of Lucy, an indigenous leader in Chocó, Colombia.
Women’s journey to ‘strong and shining’ in Zambia
25 November 2023
SCIAF, through its partner Caritas Kabwe, sets about trying to improve the lives of Kumena women.
Swema's story
24 August 2023
26-year-old Swema co-owns a carpentry shop in Balaka, Malawi. But life has not always been so good for her.
Sewing the future back together
2 September 2022
Susan became pregnant at 21, and had to stop her formal education. When her daughter Emily was born, she was not able to provide for her as a single mother – food and money were short, and healthcare was out of reach.
Emeldah's story
26 August 2022
Read more about Emeldah, a 50 year old mother and grandmother from Kabwe, Zambia.
Real Change in Rwanda
26 August 2021
Our project in Rwanda provided training for farmers in a number of areas, including gender equality and business skills.
'Hope for Youth' opens doors for Chiletso
10 May 2021
Through our local partner CADECOM Malawi and with support from the EU, 2,205 young women and men have completed training in a range of technical skills, giving them life-changing access to apprenticeships and employment.
A message from SCIAF Ambassadors Ricky Ross and Lorraine McIntosh
15 May 2020
Ricky and Lorraine travelled to the DR Congo in January this year and they are very concerned about how people there will be affected by coronavirus.
A day in the life of Christina
8 April 2020
Learn about a day in the life of Christina, a 13 year old girl who lives in a small village in the DR Congo.
Meet Archbishop François Xavier Maroy of Bukavu
3 April 2020
His Archdiocese works closely with SCIAF to provide medical care and practical support for victims of sexual violence.
Lila's story
25 March 2020
After Lila's uncle died, her community accused her of witchcraft. She suffered many injuries and still feels lonely and excluded from other children.
Coronavirus update
23 March 2020
Here at SCIAF, we're continuing to support some of the most vulnerable of all - our neighbours around the world who are already living on a knife edge and are looking to us for help.