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Monthly Prayer: August 2024

School visit 2023 - Michael perth

The Joy of Education 

Education is a vital component of SCIAF’s mission here in Scotland. I feel incredibly blessed to have worked for SCIAF for 10 years and see first-hand the commitment our supporters make to putting faith into action and supporting SCIAF.  

As schools prepare to return for a new academic year, we know that our teachers and support staff have been busy getting lessons, classrooms, and school spaces ready for pupils. Many of them have also been delivering summer schools, volunteering at residential adventures, and mentoring young people over the summer. Throughout this time, they have been preparing their hearts, with anticipation and love, to receive new pupils and to see in each of them the reflection of Christ. It is in the actions of our incredible teachers and support staff where we can recognise the transformative power of education, not only in the lives of individuals but within entire communities.  

Education doesn’t just happen in our schools, we also learn throughout our lives in our Parishes and families. God reveals himself to us in profound and unexpected ways when we embrace learning with an open heart. We can uncover the intricate beauty of His creation, the mysteries of our faith and the depth of His wisdom. Each new insight we gain serves as a testament to His presence in the world. Each avenue of learning provides for us an opportunity to encounter Christ – whether it’s reading a book, learning to play an instrument or in discussion with others.  

Over these 10 years I’ve been on my own education journey; gaining a deeper understanding of my Catholic faith and at University the theory behind our Development Education work. However, the most transformative has been through encounters with our supporters, who have taught me the true meaning of charity and generosity. Each supporter here in Scotland with their own unique story as to how they came to love and support SCIAF, making their own personal sacrifices to support those in need and live out Gospel values. It is a source of hope, joy and blessing for me. Through these encounters - whether on the phone, in letters or face-to-face - I’ve learned that the motivation for their generosity is always love in its truest form, the love of our neighbours.  

At SCIAF our vision of education is that people of all ages have the opportunity to learn, pray and act for global justice. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge of global issues; it is about actively challenging injustices, fostering hope, nurturing faith, and participating in building a more just and compassionate world. 

This continuous journey of learning and discovery, placing our trust in God, cultivates hope for the future where we can all contribute to building a more joyful and just world. So for me, the true joy of education is through encounter with others where we see the reflection of Christ. 

"Gracious God, as we learn, may we encounter You in every lesson and discovery. Fill our hearts with gratitude and awe, drawing us closer to Your divine wisdom.

"Heavenly Father, guide us to seek the joy in education, may our efforts today pave the way for a brighter, more just future.”  

Let us...

Give thanks for teachers and all school staff for serving in this way

Give thanks for Catholic education and for spiritual formation

Pray for the start of term. Pray for those teachers and pupils who are anxious to return after the summer break; That pupils settle and feel safe and that teachers recognise the gifts they have been given and have confidence in their ability

Pray that the education work of SCIAF in schools will grow and that pupils grow in faith and in the service of others.

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