Deacon Blue find dignity in running for the world's poorest
28 May 2018

Scottish singer song writer Ricky Ross and fellow Deacon Blue member Lorraine McIntosh will be running the SCIAF 6k Family Fun Run on 2nd June – and are urging other Scots to join them.
The Deacon Blue legend and BBC radio presenter said “I’m going to be heading to Strathclyde Park for SCIAF’s 6k on the 2nd June. It’ll be a great day out, it’s a beautiful route, and SCIAF is a fantastic charity doing great work to help some of the poorest people in the world to free themselves from hunger, poverty and injustice.”
Both are keen supporters of SCIAF and Ricky said he had no doubt money raised on the run would make a huge difference.
“Last year I travelled to Zambia to see their work helping poor farmers to grow more food so they can support themselves and their families. It was hard to witness the conditions that some people we met were living in but it was also truly inspiring to see the difference that even a little money from Scotland can make in helping people in need to create better lives for themselves. So please join us on 2nd June for SCIAF’s 6k Family Fun Run! The more the merrier, and the bigger difference was can all make to the lives of people in need.”
The run kicks off at 11am, but the fun starts from 10am onwards, with plenty of music, stalls and games, making it a perfect summer’s day out for the whole family whether you decide to run, jog or walk.
Taking part in the 6k is also a great way to show solidarity with the world’s poorest. Millions of people walk for hours in search of food and water, others flee across continents to safety so by getting involved you can share their journey and raise money towards SCIAF’s work helping people in poverty across 27 countries.