New book celebrates the life and teaching of the Blessed Oscar Romero
23 August 2018

Together with the Archbishop Romero Trust, we have published a commentary on the teachings of Blessed Oscar Romero by Fr Thomas Greenan.
Blessed Oscar Romero is a shining example of someone driven to fight poverty and injustice in the world, to the point of sacrificing his own life. He has been a huge inspiration to SCIAF and the global Caritas family for many years. He is a part of our history, and inspires us to walk with, hear, and care for the poor.
Oscar Romero was the Archbishop of San Salvador in El Salvador who was assassinated in 1980 for standing up for the rights of the poor during a time of great unrest in the country. His selfless dedication to the service of the poor and vulnerable, and his demands for justice in the face of the powerful, are a constant inspiration to SCIAF. Blessed Oscar Romero is a patron of the charity.
Earlier this year Pope Francis indicated that Blessed Oscar Romero would be canonised in October this year.
Fr Thomas Greenan, originally from Edinburgh, moved to El Salvador in the years following Romero’s assassination. He lived and worked in the Chalatenango area which continued to be a conflict zone. Fr. Greenan lived frugally and served the poor, finding great inspiration in the work of Archbishop Romero. In the late 1990s Fr Greenan studied for a Theology degree in Spain and the new book – Archbishop Romero’s Homilies – A theological and pastoral analysis – formed his thesis.
Including a Foreword written by SCIAF’s Bishop President Joseph Toal, the 220-page book covers the life of Oscar Romero and the role of the Church in the life of El Salvador before exploring in great detail his teachings, including homilies delivered during his time as Archbishop.
The book was launched at a well-attended event at Sacred Heart RC Church in Edinburgh on 22nd August and was attended by Fr Greenan, his family, SCIAF’s Director Alistair Dutton, The Archbishop Romero Trust’s Chair, Julian Filochowski, and members of the public.
Ahead of the book being published, Fr Thomas Greenan said:
"Many thanks to the ‘Archbishop Romero Trust’ for the tremendous job in translating the book from the original Spanish language book into English and also special thanks to all at ‘SCIAF’ for publishing the book and all of their work. It is great to know this book can now be read by many more and I hope those that do enjoy this analysis of Oscar Romero’s homilies."