Monthly Prayer: January

Reflection by Father David Stewart SJ
Speaking in early July to a delegation of the European Swimming League, Pope Francis stated that “sports are a sign of hope amid war”. He was meeting a deputation representing over 11,000 athletes from over 50 countries who will be competing in the European Aquatics Championships in Rome, in August. The Pope told them that,
“These days, we need sports more than ever – real sports! – as a counterbalance to the conflict and hostility weighing down on our world and, sadly, also our continent of Europe.”
If that is true for our anxious and brittle continent here in Europe, can it be true elsewhere in our troubled world? In Colombia? It’s worth thinking about and praying about.
We pray for tragic situations at our Sunday Masses every week and SCIAF’s generous friends and supporters usually do so more often. Of course it’s good to do this. It’s good, also, to take a particular situation into our own personal prayer-time, noticing how we’re moved by it, letting it affect and touch us, interiorly.
Here’s how the Rugby for Peace project could be in our prayers. Here, we’d not just be praying for its success, good though that be. Let something else that the Pope just told those swimmers echo in our hearts as we read and learn about Rugby for Peace; that,
“This will make us all the more committed to showing our desire for a world of peace, a world without wars, without hatred between people”.
Doesn’t such a desire touch something deep in our hearts? Doesn’t it speak of how we’d really like the world to be? Ponder that, and you’re praying about it maybe without even realising it – but it’s authentic. Stay with whatever touches you; offer it to the Lord!
Learn more about our Rugby for Peace project.
Let's pray
Give thanks that Rugby for Peace is teaching young people, and their families, the skills they need to survive so, when the challenges of life tackle them to the ground, they have the resilience to get back up and play
Pray for peace in Chocó and for safety as project workers serve in difficult circumstances
Pray for the young people who often feel like they have no future – that they have no way out and as a result many turn to the illegal drug trade.
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Read more about the Rugby for Peace project, where, for the first time ever, we are using sport to transform the lives of young people.
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