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Faith groups unite to demand climate action

3 November 2021

Interfaith COP26 v2

Last night in Glasgow, faith leaders and activists from around the world joined forces to demand climate justice as COP26 negotiations wore on throughout the city. These groups came together to present ‘actions’ from their members and supporters in the form of petition signatures, prayers and craftivism projects.

More than 150,000 actions were collected and presented last night, including 4,080 signatures from you, our dedicated supporters, who added your voices to our "3 asks. 2 weeks. 1 planet" Campaign over the last few months.

The event encouraged all religious people to stand together as sisters and brothers in faith, to hold world leaders accountable and to make the changes needed to protect our Common Home. Three young climate activists kicked off the service by announcing their demands for politicians. The first speaker was our very own SCIAF campaigner Olivia McKibbin, who helped us launch our 3.2.1 petition earlier this year.

Olivia COP26

Olivia spoke passionately about what young people need from those in power:

“Many think young people are idealistic. And maybe we are but we are also practical. Practical enough to realise that something needs to be done to save our planet. Practical enough to realise now is the time for action. 

“It is important during COP26 that we demand world leaders deliver a deal that tackles climate change and steers our planet to a secure future. But we should also pray. Pray for our sisters and brothers who are hardest hit because of climate change and pray for world leaders that they make meaningful and lasting decisions to end the climate crisis.”

Activists, religious groups and NGOs from around the world were present last night to demand action and speak about their own experiences with climate change. Rodne R. Galicha, Executive Director of Living Laudato Si’ Philippines, explained the effects of extreme weather in his home country.

“Eight years after the onslaught of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, more than a thousand people are still missing. Year after year thenceforth, the intensity of extreme weather conditions is increasing. COP26 is an opportunity to address losses and damages, both for humanity and ecosystems.”

The event was a great success, and showed how powerful the voices of faith groups can be when we join together and call for action. Our Advocacy Manager, Geraldine Hill, told us how proud she was to add the voices of our supporters to this movement.

“Faith groups from around the world have joined together in Glasgow to ask for immediate action to address the climate crisis. We’re proud to add the voices of over 4,000 SCIAF supporters to this call.”

Faith in Action for Climate Justice event during COP26