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Haiti Emergency Appeal update

4 April 2022

Aftermath of Haiti earthquake

Through your compassion, you donated £12,269 to help the people of Haiti rebuild after last year’s devastating earthquake. 

Last August, we launched an Emergency Appeal for the people of Haiti, following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake which killed over 2,200 people and injured many more. In the aftermath, many homes, hospitals and churches were destroyed and a state of emergency was put in place by the government.  

When the earthquake struck, Haiti was already in a particularly turbulent period. Political instability due to corruption, violence, and the assassination of then President Moïse had increased tensions, and poverty rates were high. The effects of the earthquake, and Tropical Storm Grace which followed, only exacerbated these issues. Thousands of people needed water, shelter and food. 

In the months following the earthquake, through our partner ITECA (Institute of Technology & Animation) we provided shelter, clean drinking water and hygiene kits to families in need in several parts of the Sud region. With our partner CAP, Centre D'Appui Pedogogique, we addressed urgent needs by helping 34 families to build shelters after their homes were destroyed. 

Thanks to your support, we were able to be there for families in Haiti when disaster struck, and to help them rebuild.